Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Home Remedies to Treat Lupus: Foods for Natural Treatment

A butterfly shaped rash on the face is usually the key sign of an auto immune disease called lupus. The progress and course of the disorder is unpredictable, however, several diet prescriptions and simple home remedies can help ease the symptoms and delay the progression of the disease.
Butterfly Skin Rash
and Lupus
What is Lupus?

Lupus is an auto immune disease, wherein, the cells of the immune system erroneously attack the healthy cells of the body. It is a chronic condition which is characterized by flare-ups and remissions. It causes a wide array of manifestations in various parts of the body. By and large, women are more prone to develop this condition than men. The condition is rather rare, and many sufferers don’t even know that they have; though it is a serious disease.

Common manifestations of the disease are:
  • Skin rashes
  • Pain, inflammation and swelling of the joints which mimics symptoms of arthritis
  • Fever
  • Fatigue and exhaustion
  • Hair loss
  • Blurring of the vision
  • Swollen glands
The most preliminary symptom of the disease is a butterfly shaped rash on the face; it appears typically over the cheeks and bridge of the nose. Those suffering from lupus have a very strong tendency to sunburn.

What Causes Lupus?

The functioning of the immune system goes wrong and it produces abnormal cells that travel through the body, attacking healthy cells. The exact and precise cause of the condition is not yet known. Certain infections, sunlight, childbirth, stress, sex hormones and heredity have been implicated in its development.

Home Remedies to Treat Lupus
Here are some simple home remedies that can be beneficial in the management of this skin disorder,
  • Flax seed oil: flax seeds are a very rich source of essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids (EFAs help reduce swelling and inflammations successfully. Flax seeds help diminish inflammatory processes in the kidneys, skin and joints. Consume about 5 spoons of roasted flax seeds daily or have 2 to 3 spoons of flaxseed oil.
  • Evening primrose oil: evening primrose oil is also a rich source of EFAs. GLA or gamma linoleic acid is a fatty acid found in evening primrose oil which our body converts to prostaglandins that regulate bodily functions. It has the potential to ease joint pains appreciably, reduces muscle strains and is also known to treat skin rashes and allergies. Doctors recommend 1000mg, thrice daily.
  • Selenium: selenium supplementation of 200 mcg daily is advocated by experts. This mineral has proved to be decidedly beneficial in the management of the symptoms of lupus. It exerts strong anti inflammatory benefits and also has powerful immune enhancing effects.
Foods for Natural Treatment of Lupus
Here are some dietary recommendations for the treatment and management of this condition,
  • Foods rich in vitamin B: vitamin complex is very essential to maintain the health of the skin, blood vessels, nerves and joints. The vitamin helps speed up healing of areas of the body that are damaged by the inflammatory process. Incorporate plenty of whole grains, legumes, milk and nuts in your daily diet.
  • Oranges and Vitamin C
    Rich foods help in Lupus
  • Foods rich in vitamin C: vitamin C is a powerful immune system booster and fortifier; it enhances immunity. It strengthens the immune and defense mechanisms of the body and minimizes the duration of any illness. It also acts as a potent anti oxidant, scavenging and destroying free radicals. Rich sources are: limes, lemons, berries, bell peppers, oranges, cherries, kiwi, mangoes and papayas.
  • Foods rich in vitamin E: vitamin E is essential for skin health. It too is a strong anti oxidant, and prevents oxidative damage to the body. This vitamin proffers the body with a multitude of preventive benefits and augments the working of the immune mechanism. Wheat germ, almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, safflower seeds and whole grains are good sources.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Home Remedies to deal with Chronic Fatigue: Foods and Natural Treatment

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a poorly understood condition characterized by persistent tiredness, along with flu-like systems. Estimates suggest that approximately 3 in every 100 adults suffer from this condition in varying degree of severity. In most cases, this disabling disorder is associated with an attenuated and frail immune system. There are a host of home remedies and diet suggestions that can help in effective and natural management of this condition.
Chronic Fatigue is
common disorder
What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

It is a medical condition that is characterized by profound and constant tiredness and exhaustion. CFS is more likely to affect women than men. The individual feels exhausted and extremely weak and may also suffer from depression. The condition can affect individuals of any age, however the condition is more frequently observed among middle age and elderly individuals.

While the exact cause of fatigue is not known, doctors say that a weak and impaired immune mechanism triggers its development. Those suffering from the disorder may also have auto-immune diseases such as lupus or thyroid dysfunction; and suffer from allergies.

Furthermore, infectious agents like the Epstein Barr virus and Candida yeast have been incriminated in some cases.

Some theories also suggest that low blood pressure, abnormal levels of some hormones and inflammation of the brain may cause 5his condition. Nonetheless, there is nothing conclusive so far.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms

Presenting features of this syndrome complex are:
  • Constant or recurring weariness and exhaustion, lasting for 6 months and more; not better by rest.
  • Difficulty in sleeping and insomina are common symptoms
  • Difficulty in concentrating and carrying out day to day tasks
  • Diminished memory
  •  Frequent and recurrent Headaches
  • Low grade fever, sore throat and body pain
  • Melancholia and depression
Home Remedies to Treat Chronic Fatigue
The chief objective of the management plan is to restore the healthy working of the immune and defense mechanisms of the body. The following natural remedies and supplements have been recommended to treat this syndrome complex:
    Echinacea is a natural herb
    to fight fatigue
  • Echinacea: Echinacea has powerful immunity enhancing effects; doctors recommend 200 mg of the herb, twice daily to pep up the immune system.
  • Ginseng: Ginseng is a widely used Chinese herb that enhances the longevity and quality of life. It helps the body fight a whole range of illnesses. The herb stimulates the production of killer T cells of the immune system that annihilate harmful bacteria and viruses. Ginseng is a potent herb that will help overcome tiredness and exhaustion and balance the release of stress hormones within the body. 100 mg twice daily is recommended.
  • Pantothenic acid supplementation: pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 helps bolster the adrenal glands which release hormone cortisol. Cortisol combats stress and augments energy levels. A supplement of 500 mg everyday is advocated.
Natural Treatment and Foods to manage Fatigue

Here are some dietary and lifestyle suggestions that can be useful in treatment of this syndrome complex,
  • Foods that are rich in vitamin C: increase your intake of vitamin C rich foods. Vitamin C is an immune system fortifier. It perks up the functioning of the immune mechanism appreciably and fights of infections and free radicals, thus shielding the body from harm. Oranges, lemons,  bell peppers, papayas, chilies, mangoes and tomatoes are packed with the vitamin.
  • Carotenoid rich foods: Carotenoid is the red, yellow and orange pigment that is found in most fruits and vegetables. It is a powerful disease-fighter and a potent anti oxidant. It scavenges free radical and destroys them. Carotenoids help to enhance immunity significantly. Food sources are: carrots, tomatoes, papayas, watermelon and guavas.
  • Magnesium rich foods: Magnesium helps fight weakness, battles stress and decreases body pain effectively. Incorporate plenty of: leafy vegetables, nuts, legumes and whole grains; they supply the body with loads of this vital mineral.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Bad Breath in Mouth

Halitosis is a vastly annoying complaint and often linked with poor oral hygiene or gum disease. As per Institute of Dental Research, approximately 65 million American Adults suffer from the condition at some point in their lives. Epidmeological estimates are indicative of a high prevelence of moderate form , while exteremely severe forms of the condition affect about 2-5% of general population. While there are several causes, both local and systemic, that are linked with the condition, there are certain tips that can help get rid of the condition at home. Experts recommend not to ignore bad breath and visit a physician or a dentist if the condition persists. 

Bad Breath is a common
What is Halitosis?

The oral cavity is home to several hundred species of bacteria, which thrive on remenants of food left behind in the mouth. An overgrowth of anaerobic gram negative bacteria, which thrive on protiens, along the crevices of the tongue, can result in increased production of volatile sulfur compounds. Release of these odoriferous by-products of metabolism in exhaled air results in oral malodor.

In the simplest of cases, bad breath can be traced to eating foods that have lingering odors, such as garlic, onions and anchovies. Smoking and drinking alcohol are significant causes as well.

What Causes Bad Breath?

In addition to the foods, there are a host of other factors that cause this condition. Occasionally the condition may be linked to an underlying medical condition as the cause and can become a chronic.
  • The condition occurs due to the multiplication of odor-producing bacteria in the mouth. If the mouth remains dry, more bacteria thrive.
  • Any disorder that decreases the synthesis of saliva in the mouth lead to this condition; common causes include: breathing through the mouth, advancing age, and following crash diets (where you eat less and thus produce less saliva).
  • Certain drugs and medicines also trigger offensive breath.
  • Poor oral hygiene is the most noteworthy cause. Bacteria tend to accumulate between the teeth and on the tongue, where there is food debris.
  • Gum diseases are another important cause. Often the condition is associated with tooth pain
  • Chronic, persistent sinus infection sets off the condition as well.
  • Poor digestion or frequent indigestion has also been linked to the condition.
Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Halitosis

Here are some simple home remedies, foods and tips to get rid of the condition,
  • Fennel seeds: munch on a spoonful of fennel seeds after every meal. Not only does fennel freshen the breath, it also perks up digestion.
  • Spirulina Tablets can help
    treat bad breath
  • Spirulina and apple juice: mix spirulina along with some apple juice; use this as a mouth wash everyday for about a month. This blend may be drunk as well.
  • Parsley: parsley is a powerful breath freshener. It detoxifies odors and also boosts digestion appreciably. Chew on a sprig of parsley after every meal.
  • Brush your teeth after every meal, and floss the teeth once every day. In case you cannot brush, rinse the mouth well.
  • Avoid strong smelling foods, and quit smoking.
  • Treating sinus infections, bleeding gums, constipation and indigestion immediately.
How to Prevent Bad Breath Naturally
In case the bad breath perseveres, in spite of trying all the possible home remedies and natural cures, it is vital that you consult a dentist. Your dentist will try to ascertain if there is an underlying gum disease that is causing halitosis and treat it accordingly. A medical checkup will also help find out if sinusitis, dyspepsia, heartburn or some other medical condition is responsible.
  • Make sure that you follow strict dental and oral hygiene. Brushing, flossing, gargling and cleaning the tongue are crucial aspects of oral care. Ensure that the toothbrush remains bacteria free by storing it in grapefruit seed extract. Rinse the toothbrush well before using it.
  • It is important to have good bowel movement. Constipation and poor digestion are huge contributing factors. Thus, drink at least 2 liters of water daily and consume 3 to 5 dates every night. This promises to keep the bowels functioning optimally.
  • Rinse your mouth with peppermint essential oil. Add 2 to 3 drops of the essential oil to a glass of water; and use this mouth wash once daily as a preventive.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Home Remedies to Treat Torn Rotator Cuff : Exercises for Shoulder Injury

Rotator cuff Injury is one of the most common injury of the shoulder joint observed among athletes and bodybuilders. While the exact incidence of the condition is not known, experts suggest that it may affect about 20-30% of the adult population and prevelence increases with age. The injury often doesn’t require surgical injury and can be treated by exercises in most cases. This article provides insights into the symptoms associated with this shoulder joint injury and provides various simple home remedies and exercises for the effective management of rotator cuff injury.
Rotator Cuff Injury
or Tear
What is Rotator Cuff Tear? 

The shoulder joint is a complex joint comprising of a combination of bones, tendons and muscles. The joint provides a wide range of movement for the arm. However, physiologically, the shoulder joint lacks stability which makes it prone to injuries and dislocation.

The rotator cuff comprises of four basic muscles which hold the three bones namely scapula, humerus and the clavicle together and contribute towards the wide range of movements that the shoulder joint is capable of. These muscles include the Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor and Subscapularis.

Due to the complex structure of the rotator cuff and the extended range of movements provided by the shoulder joint, the shoulder joint often gets dislocated or is prone to injuries.

Home Remedies to Treat Shoulder Joint Injury

Shoulder joint injury is often associated with symptoms like severe shoulder pain which is aggravated especially when the hand is moved backwards. Localized swelling and edema along with stiffness is also observed, especially during the acute phase. Here are some simple home remedies along with homeopathic drugs that can be beneficial in the treatment of the condition, 
  • Turmeric with Honey: Turmeric is considered to have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Reports have suggested that turmeric can be as effective as NSAIDs minus the negative effect of NSAIDs including gastritis and retrosternal burning. Mix a spoon of turmeric powder in a spoon of honey and consume it twice a day. This can provide sustained relief.
  • Homeopathic Drug
    is beneficial in management
    of Shoulder Injury
  • Crush a few pods of garlic and mix it with freshly squeezed ginger juice. These foods have strong anti inflammatory action and also hasten the healing in cases of shoulder injury.
  • Massage the affected area with clove essential oil. Clove helps in decongestion of the area and improves blood circulation to the affected site. Clove essential oil should be used especially after the first 72 hours of the injury, especially after the edema has reduced. This aroma oil can help in reducing pain and improve joint mobility.
  • Homeopathic drugs like Bryonia Alba taken in low potency are considered to be highly beneficial in the management of shoulder joint injury. Bryonia hastens cure by reducing inflammation and swelling at the site and further improves the range of motion.
Exercises for Rotator Cuff Injury

Minor shoulder joint injuries can be treated naturally provided adequate amount of rest is given to the shoulder joint. Here are some simple simple exercises and tips for shoulder injuries,
    Rotator Cuff Excercise
  • Alternatively applying ice and heat packs is considered to be beneficial. Use cold packs for the first couple of hours. This helps reduce pain and inflammation at the site. Subsequently use heating pads to relax and lighten the sore muscles.
  • Resting the shoulder joint is imperative. However, trying gentle exercises to keep the muscles limber is crucial, especially to hasten recovery. Too much rest can lead to frozen shoulder, which is associated with stiffness of the shoulder joint and limited range of movement.
  • Stand erect with your arms on either side of your body. Now gradually raise your arms sideways and ensure that you dont bend the forearm at the elbow joint. Hold the arm in position, parallel to the floor for a couple of seconds, then return back to normal position. To begin with perform this activity without weights/ dumbells. Repeat this excercise for five to six times, twice a day. While performing excercises, dont overstrain the shoulder joint.
Rotator cuff tear surgery

Though surgery may not be required in most cases, if the pain persists, or if the swelling doesn’t resolve to conventional treatment regimen, surgery is imperative. A open surgery may be carried out through a small incision in the shoulder. Post surgery precaution includes rest, hot and cold press and physiotherapy.
Consult your physician to gain details about rotator cuff surgeries and the risks associated with them. 

Friday, December 30, 2011

Home Remedies and Diet for Lightheadedness: Stop Dizziness Tips

In a study published in Archives of Internal Medicine in 2009, about 35.4% of American adults above the age of 40 years suffer from vestibular dysfunction, severe dizziness or giddiness and lightheadedness. The same report suggested that vertigo and giddiness attributed to more than number of accidental deaths among elderly due to falls or injuries. These symptoms also significantly affects the quality of life of elderly individuals. This article provides insights into factors contributing to dizziness or lightheadedness and simple home and natural remedies to treat the condition effectively and naturally.

Dizziness affects Elderly
What Causes Dizziness? 

This condition characterized by lightheadedness or a sensation of loss of balance and disorientation. The condition may be associated with symptoms like nausea, blurring of vision and a feeling of uneasiness. Often it is associated with a sensation of head rush and excessive perspiration and hyperventilation. Here are some common causes that are associated with dizziness,
  • Vertigo: This condition is often attributed to vestibular dysfunction which often results in the loss of control of balance with a sensation of falling. This is the most common cause of lightheadedness among the elderly age group.
  • Altered Blood Pressure: Hypertension or elevated blood pressure can result in giddiness. On the other hand drop in blood pressure below normal due to dehydration or other factors can also result in reduced blood supply to the brain and cause dizziness.
  • Inadequate nutrition, long standing fever or chronic ailment, vomiting and diarrhea can also result in episodes of giddiness and imbalance
  • Cardiovascular disorders like peripheral artery disease, heart attacks, angina, etc can also contribute to lightheadedness.
  • Panic attacks often associated with elevated levels of stress can result in episodes of giddiness and light headedness.
  • The condition when associated with nausea can be indicative of gastrointestinal disorders which include gastroenteritis, irritable bowel syndrome, food poisoning and even diabetes.
Home Remedies to treat Lightheadedness Naturally

Here are some simple tips and home remedy suggestions for management of light headedness and dizziness,
  • Ensure that you drink lots of water and fresh fruit juice. Often dehydration or sudden drop in blood pressure is one of the most common causes. Avoid soda drinks and caffeine as these can be dehydrating.
  • Coriander Seeds for
    Light headedness
  • Ginger is considered to be highly beneficial in treating lightheadedness associated with symptoms of nausea. Crush ginger roots and consume them fresh or boil them in a bowl of water and drink the decoction. Chamomile or peppermint is also good natural substitutes for ginger to manage light headedness.
  • Wheat germ is also found to be beneficial in the management of light headedness. Consuming about two teaspoons of wheat germ with a glass of warm milk can help ease dizziness and light headedness. It is highly beneficial during pregnancy.
  • Soak about five grams of coriander seeds in water overnight and consume the seeds along with a tablespoon of honey in the morning. Coriander seeds are bitter and honey helps sweeten it.
  • A mixture comprising of freshly squeezed lemon juice, black pepper and salt in a glass of water is also considered to be a good treatment for vertigo.
Foods to Treat Dizziness Naturally with Diet

For individuals with frequent episodes of dizziness, there are certain diet and food suggestions,
    Coconut Water to
    Treat Dizziness
  • Dizziness is linked with sudden drop in blood sugar levels and hence consuming foods like honey or fruit juices is considered to be highly beneficial. Consume coconut water and lime water to help retain normal blood sugar levels. However diabetic patients need to consult their doctors in cases of emergency.
  • Anemia is another cause for dizziness. Consume foods rich in iron, Vitamin B12 and folic acid. Increase intake of chicken and lean meat, fish, green leafy vegetables, soy, etc. These foods are loaded with iron and Vitamin B12.
  • Limit the consumption of alcohol and caffeine in your diet. Reduce the intake of salt and sweets, especially containing refined sugar.
  • Never skip a meal and eat small quantities of food frequently. Don’t stay hungry for more than four hours at a stretch.
Stop Dizziness Tips

Here are some simple tips to treat and prevent dizziness and attacks of light headedness,
  • Avoid sudden jerky movement. Avoid standing up or reclining suddenly. This can result in positional hypo-tension and affect the circulation of blood to the brain
  • Stress management plays a crucial role in the treatment of dizziness. Yoga and deep breathing exercises can be beneficial in the management of the condition.
  • In case of dizziness one must relax and take deep breaths. Press the ridge above the nose, between the two eyes for a couple of seconds with your thumb. This can provide instant relief from giddiness.
In case of frequent episodes of dizziness, consult your physician to identify the underlying cause for the condition and treat it promptly. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Home Remedies to Treat Excessive Sweating and Body Odor

Sweating is a natural process to keep the body cool. There are a host of products including antiperspirants, deodorants, etc to control body odor caused due to excessive perspiration or sweats. Fortunately there are several natural remedies and natural techniques to manage sweats and hyperhidrosis. If you always think, I sweat too much, here are some solutions to resolve your problem.

What causes too much Sweating or Hyperhidrosis?
Excessive Perspiration can
be annoying
Sweating or perspiration is a natural phenomenon which is associated with the sebaceous glands releasing natural sweat to cool down the body.

Perspiration or sweating is often in response to the environmental conditions like high temperature and humidity. However, there are a group of individuals who suffer from excessive perspiration or a condition known as ‘hyperhidrosis’.

As per a report, the antiperspirant and deodorant market in the United States was valued at $1.9 billion in 2005. Latest estimates suggest that the demand for these beauty products is estimated to rise at the rate of 7% per annum globally due to increasing demand in Asia, African and South American countries.

Fortunately, there are several different home remedies and diet suggestions that can help control excessive sweating. Though the use of talc powder and antiperspirants is rampant, the use of these products is often associated with allergies which may result in redness and irritation of the skin under the armpits. Suppression of perspiration can result in dermatitis in the underarms and also have detrimental impact on the health of an individual.

Home Remedies to Prevent Sweat and Body Odor

Here are some simple natural home remedies that have been found to be effective in the management of body odor and excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis,
    Tomato Juice helps
    manage excessive sweating
  • Tomatoes: Consuming a cup of tomato juice each day is considered to reduce excessive sweating and reduce body odor. Tomatoes are loaded with anti-oxidants which can help regulate the activity of the sweat glands and also help in keeping the body cool.
  • Grapes: Consuming about 10-15 grapes each day is also recommended. Grapes help to cool the body and also loaded with anti-oxidants that can help regulate the internal body temperature and prevent excessive sweating
  • Eliminate foods like onions and garlic from your diet. These foods are highly pungent and are responsible for the offensive odor of the sweat. Also limit the intake of animal foods include chicken, lean meat and red meat.
  • Zinc: Zinc is considered to reduce sweating naturally. Increase the intake of foods that are loaded with zinc which include turkey, spinach, nuts and sea foods. Zinc also helps control of offensive odor of the sweat.
  • Consumption of herbal tea or green tea has also been claimed to be beneficial in prevent excessive perspiration. Herbal tea is also loaded with anti-oxidants; however its role in limiting sweating and body odor is not clear.
Natural Remedies to get rid of Body Odor and Hyperhidrosis

Here are some simple natural home based remedies that can help in the management of body odor and treat excessive sweating,
  • Local application of freshly sliced lime or lemon around the armpits is considered to be the most effective natural measure to prevent excessive sweating and treat body odor. However application of lime can result in burning and should be avoided if there are cuts or bruises on the skin.
  • Sage Leaves for reducing
    excessive sweating
  • Another method of cooling the body includes boiling tea leaves in a large vessel. Allow the water to cool and soak your body including hands and feet in the tea water. Tannic acid in tea is considered to be beneficial in controlling perspiration and fight body odor
  • Boil sage leaves in a large container and soak your body with the water once the water cools down. Sage is considered to be the best natural treatment for excessive sweating.
 Tips to Remember while Treating Hyperhidrosis

In addition to the home remedies, here are some additional tips that can help treat excessive sweat and hperhidrosis,
  • Don’t reduce the intake of water. Water is essential to keep the body hydrated, though excessive consumption of water can result in excessive sweating. Ensure that you consume a minimum of 2.5 liters of water if you live in a relatively pleasant environment and about 3.5 liters if you live in a hot and humid climate.
  • Avoid the consumption of spicy and hot foods which are known to raise the body temperate by boosting metabolism.
  • Limit alcohol and caffeine intake.
  • Ensure that you have an adequate intake of green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits in your diet at all times. 
  • Avoid wearing synthetic clothes. Instead use cotton cloths. Also avoid dark colored cloths. Cotton absorbs the sweats while light color cloths repel heat and keep you cooler.
A multidisciplinary approach should help in effective management of excessive sweats and treat hyperhidrosis naturally.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Treat Brain Fog Naturally and Effectively: Home Remedies for Mental Fog

Brain fog or mental fog is a relatively common complaint experienced by individuals belonging to different age groups. Various studies have shown a strong correlation between brain fog and various autoimmune disorders. The condition is also closely linked with depression and chronic fatigue syndrome. Though no specific treatment is available for the management there are a host of home remedies, foods and dietary recommendations along with lifestyle modifications that can help in treating it effectively.
Brain Fog is linked
with Stress
What is Brain Fog?

Where are my glasses? Where did I put those report papers? What time was I suppose to attend the business meet? Most of us have experienced inability to remember occasionally. Though these symptoms may be a manifestation of mental fog, they should not be classified as brain fog unless they occur frequently and interfere considerably with an individual’s ability to perform routine activities.

It is a cognitive dysfunction which is associated with loss of certain intellectual functions including remembering, thinking and reasoning, which is significant enough to interfere with the ability of an individual to perform routine and day to day functions. Individuals suffering from this condition often suffer from inability to perform basic arithmetic calculations, lack concentration and limited verbal recall.
There are a host of conditions that are linked with the development of mental fog. The condition is considered to be associated with chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and elevated levels of psychological stress. In addition certain autoimmune disorders like Hepatitis C, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, etc are considered to cause a mild inflammatory reaction in the brain cells which in turn affects certain cognitive functions.
Home Remedies to Treat Brain Fog
Here are certain home remedies that have been found to be effective in the management of certain symptoms associated with the condition,
    St Johns Wort is
    effective in treatment
    of Brain Fog
  • St John’s Wort: An herbal supplement, St John wort is considered to be beneficial in the treatment of mental clutter and brain fogging. Though primarily used for the management of depression, this herbal supplement has been pronounced to be highly beneficial in the management of brain fatigue. An dose of 300 mg of the herbs extract is considered beneficial, though consumption of up to 1800 mg per day has not been reported with any side effects
  • Saffron: Saffron is considered to be highly beneficial in improving cognitive functions and enhancing memory and decluttering the mind. Adding a few strands of saffron to milk and drinking twice a day is considered to be very beneficial.
  • Cinnamon: Cinnamon is also considered to boost memory and enhance intellectual capabilities. Sprinkling cinnamon on food is considered to improve mental functions and help in the effective treatment of brain fog. Cinnamon also is considered beneficial in the management of digestive disorders and treatment of diabetes
Health Foods for the Brain
There are certain foods that are beneficial in the management of mental fog. Including these foods in your routine diet can be very beneficial in enhancing memory and cognitive functions,
  • Eliminate alcohol and tobacco from your diet. Soda drinks, aerated drinks, etc are responsible for a mild inflammatory action and should be avoided.
  • Increase the intake of green foods. Spinach, parsley, etc act as mood foods and are loaded with vitamins and minerals essential for health. Most green vegetables are loaded with minerals like iron, deficiency of which is considered to be primarily responsible for chronic mental fatigue.
  • Milk and Milk products like cheese, butter, etc are pick me up foods that help boost the mood and loaded with essential amino acids and nutrients. Consuming low fat dairy products is good for the heart.
  • Lean meat and chicken are also good sources of amino acids and vitamins and minerals. Consumption is recommended in moderation. These foods are loaded with Vitamin B12 which is considered vital for neurological health.
  • Fresh fruits including grapes, strawberries, cherries, berries, etc are considered to be healthy as they are loaded with Vitamins and Minerals. These foods act as good mood boosters and help in management of brain fog effectively.
  • Essential Fatty acids are important for mental development. Consume food cooked in olive oil and sunflower oil which is loaded with EFAs essential for brain development and growth.
Treating Brain Fog Naturally

There is sufficient evidence that physical exercise is considered to be the best way to manage and treat mental fatigue. Exercise helps improve the circulation of blood to the brain which in turn helps in replication and growth of brain tissue. Further, exercise is also considered beneficial in reducing plaque accumulated in the blood cells and in management of atherosclerosis. Jogging, swimming, walking, etc are considered to be healthy exercises, however always speak to your healthcare provider prior to indulging in any new vigorous exercise regimen.

Exercising the brain cells by performing mental activities like solving a crossword puzzle, doing mathematical calculations, putting a jigsaw puzzle, memory gains and reading a book are also considered to improve cognitive functions and help in management of brain disorders.

Always Remember!!

Get yourself thoroughly evaluated if your condition persists. Chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, etc are linked with mental problems and need to be treated effectively to alleviate the symptoms associated with the condition.