Showing posts with label foods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foods. Show all posts

Monday, April 2, 2012

Treat Osteoporosis Naturally with Home Remedies: Treatment Guidelines and Screening

Osteoporosis or loss of bone density results in thousands of bone fractures every year. Consequently, it is very essential to have regular screening , understand the various causes and treatment guidelines in order to prevent the disorder. There are natural treatment guidelines including dietary and lifestyle modifications that reduce the chances of avoiding pain and fractures later on.

What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis means ‘porous bones’; it is a condition wherein there occurs a reduction in the mineral content of bones and weakening of their structure, making them vulnerable to fractures.
Osteoporotic Bones

The condition is associated with certain risk factors,
  • It is more frequently seen in women; older men experience it as well, however, their bones are denser and consequently, the bone loss is less severe.
  • After menopause there occurs a sharp decline in the level of the hormone estrogen, and this is relate to osteoporosis in women. Estrogen helps the body absorb calcium and keeps the bones healthy and strong.
  • A lack of weight bearing exercise poses as a risk factor for the occurrence of osteoporosis.
  • A diet that lacks calcium is another significant risk factor too.
  • Under weight people and small-boned people are at a higher risk too.
  • A family history of the disorder increases your chances of developing the condition.
  • Those who have taken anti epileptic drugs or anti-convulsants or steroids for prolonged periods are prone as well

Symptoms and Screening for Osteoporosis

Some of the common symptoms associated with the condition include,
  • Gradual loss of height accompanied by the development of a stooped posture.
  • Severe backache
  • Fracture of the spine or hip or wrist.
  • Dental X rays detect bone loss in the jaw.
.There are certain tests that are performed which help in early diagnosis of the condition, 
  1. A bone density study conducted or a DEXA (dual energy X ray Absorptiometry) can help in understanding the bone mass concentration
  2. In case of bone or joint pain and discomfort X ray of the spine or feet or hips is advised.

Home Remedies for Osteoporosis

Some home remedies and dietary suggestions to treat osteoporosis include,
  • Calcium: step up your intake of milk, yogurt, cheese, fish, broccoli and almonds. These are packed with calcium; and support bone health and augment bone strength. Supplementation is also a must, 500 mg daily.
  • Vitamin D: a supplement of 200 I.U. is prescribed. Vitamin D promotes strong bones and reduces the risk of fractures. It ensures that calcium is well absorbed by the body.
  • Magnesium: eat plenty of dark green leafy vegetables, nuts and legumes; they are loaded with the mineral. This mineral makes sure that the calcium stays in the bones.
  • Boron: boron helps decrease bone loss and is also known to increase the effect of estrogen as well as vitamin D. Incorporate lots of almonds, raisins, peanuts, prunes, bananas and broccoli in to your diet.
Weight bearing Exercises
to fight Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis Treatment Guidelines and Excercises

The following tips will help you prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis and also help manage the condition in those who have developed it:

  • Regular exercise, at least thrice  a week is a must
  • Quit smoking.
  • Restrict your consumption of alcohol.
  • When you take supplements, do ensure that you have consulted your physician; when it comes to supplements, more is not always better. Doubling your dose of calcium supplement tends to interfere with the benefits of magnesium and zinc; so don’t go overboard.

Experts recommend exercising on a daily basis; if that is not possible, you ought to exercise at least 3 times in a week. Weight bearing exercises are advocated; these are walking and lifting weights. In these exercises the legs as well as other parts of the body meet resistance.

However, get a trained instructor and do not be over zealous; begin with small sessions and gradually build up o the intensity and duration.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Home Remedies for Oral Thrush in Babies: How to get rid of Oral Thrush Naturally

Estimates from the United States suggest that approximately 37% of all newborn babies develop oral thrush during the first few months of their life. Though the condition is often self limiting and closely linked with poor nourishment, thrush is often associated with an underlying possibility of immunodeficiency and hence is often a cause of concern. 

Oral Thrush is common
in infants and babies
Symptoms of Thrush in Babies: Side Effects of Oral Thrush

Oral thrush is the most common yeast infection caused due to a fungi ‘candida albicans’. This condition frequently affects babies below the age of two years, but is usually self limiting and settles within a couple of weeks. Weak immune system or secondary infection during normal delivery is some of the common causes. The symptoms associated with oral thrush in babies include,
  • White patches in the infants mouth which may be located on the palate, cheeks or gums
  • These patches can’t be removed or rubbed off easily. Attempting to rub these patches may often result in inflammation at the site which may eventually bleed
  • The baby refuses to breastfeed or may be unable to suck on the mothers nipples.
  • Excessive crying, irritability and restlessness may also be observed in the babies.

Though oral thrush is self limiting condition, it can spread along the gastro-intestinal system of the baby which may affect the health and nutritional status of the infant. The organs most frequently affected by candida infection include the lungs, liver and the Gastro intestinal system . Oral thrush in adults is often considered to be a sign of immunodeficiency caused due to serious condition like HIV or cancer.

 Home Remedies for Thrush in Babies; Treating Oral Thrush in Infants

There are a host of food prescriptions along with natural remedies that have been known to have a beneficial in the management of oral thrush,
  • Yogurt: Yogurt supplies healthy bacteria to the body, which can capable of fighting yeast infection. Allowing the baby to consume some bit of yogurt or applying yogurt locally at the site of the infection can be highly beneficial. Ensure that local application is wiped within about an hour.
  • Grapefruit Extract is
    beneficial in treating
    Oral Thrush
  • Baking Soda: This is another natural treatment for oral thrush. Add one teaspoon of the baking soda into a glass of water and mix it well. Using cotton swab, apply the solution on the affected site. Apply the solution after each feed.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar: Vinegar has strong anti bacterial and antifungal properties. Local application of diluted mixture of apple cider vinegar is considered to be beneficial in the management of oral thrush.
  • Grapefruit Seed Extract: This fruit extract has strong antifungal properties which is considered beneficial in treating oral thrush in babies. Grapefruit extract mixed with honey can also be beneficial in management of oral thrush
  • Garlic: Garlic oil has potent antiseptic properties and can manage some stubborn forms of oral thrush quickly.

How to Get Rid Of Thrush in Babies; Important Tips for Oral Thrush Treatment  
Here are some essential tips that are beneficial in the management of oral thrush naturally,  \
  • Maintaining utmost oral hygiene in infants and babies is very crucial. Keep the mouth clean and wash it frequently with plain water. Using a cotton swab, clean the tongue and the oral cavity of the infant regularly, at least twice a day.
  • While weaning the child, stay away from sugary foods or packed baby foods that contain refined sugar. Fungus tends to strive on sugar
  • Ensure that the baby’s bottle, pacifier, comforters, etc are cleaned and washed. These precautionary measures help prevent the spread of the infection and also hasten recovery.
  • Administration of steroids can result in drop in immunity in the child. Avoid administration of steroids, especially up to the age of nine months. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Treating Sciatica Naturally: Home Remedies & Foods for Lower Back Pain

Estimates suggest that one in every hundred people suffer from lower back pain due to sciatica. The prevalence of back pain due to sciatica increases with age, with 50% of all cases of back pain above the age of 60 years being attributed to sciatica. Sciatica is a nerve-related condition that causes excruciating pain and discomfort, due to the impingement of the sciatic nerve.

Causes of Sciatica: Sciatica Symptoms
The most common etiological factor for the occurrence of sciatica is pressure from a herniated disc. Another important cause is the Piriformis Syndrome. The piriformis muscle puts pressure on to the sciatic nerve when it gets imbalanced, thereby, making the pelvic bones displaced, and compressing the sciatic nerve. Spinal canal stenosis causes inflammation because of continuous pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Common clinical features of sciatica include: lower back pain that radiates down to the posterior aspect of the thighs and calves, sometimes causing pain in the ankles and toes as well. Tingling numbness is an associated feature. Dietary prescriptions and exercises can help alleviate the pain and discomfort and also ward off aggravations.

Home Remedies for Sciatica: Lower Back Pain Remedies

Foods have immense healing and curative powers. Research says, certain specific food prescriptions are known to manage the pain and ‘pins and needles’ sensation associated with sciatica and treat sciatica successfully. Make sure you incorporate these foods in to your daily diet.
    Radish is beneficial
    for treatment of sciatica
  • Garlic: Garlic is a potent inflammation fighter. It can assuage pain, boost blood circulation, and also provide the body with energy and vigor. Have two flakes of raw garlic everyday.
  • Horse radish: Is a very effective home remedy for the successful treatment of sciatica. Crush fresh horse radish to make a poultice; apply this to the painful areas, and leave on for half an hour. This stimulates the sciatica nerve and will proffer relief from the pain.
  • Essential oils: aroma oils such as: Clove Oil, Cardamom Oil and Ginger Oil are decidedly beneficial in the treatment of sciatica. These oils help lessen the pain appreciably and decrease the discomfort and distress associated with the condition. Blend these oils with a carrier oil, such as, coconut oil or sesame seed oil and massage the lower back and the back of the legs daily.
Diet for Sciatica: Lower Back Pain Diet
Here are some diet prescriptions for managing Lower back pain due to sciatica,
  • You must ensure that the protein consumption is good. Also, ensure that you have soy in some form everyday. Excellent sources of proteins are: meat, eggs, chicken, legumes and milk.
  • Vitamin B rich foods: supplementing your diet with vitamin B is very essential; vitamin B is crucial for optimal nerve health. Excellent sources of the vitamin are: whole grains, nuts, spinach, peas, meat, beef, pinto beans, bananas, soy, and legumes. Make sure that you get a generous dose of these foods on a daily basis. Doctors also recommend starting a vitamin B complex supplement daily. Vitamin B complex helps manage tingling numbness and pain effectively.
  • Virbhadrasana is effective
    in Sciatica managment
  • Carrot ought to be a part of your everyday diet. Have one glass of carrot juice everyday. Carrot supplies the body with most of the essential vitamins and minerals that keep the nerves functioning normally.
Exercises and Stretches For Sciatica: Exercise for Lower Back Pain  
All health care professionals stress on the need for exercising and physiotherapy. Exercises stretch the muscles, ligaments and tendons and reinforce them; they ease pain and stiffness and thus improve the range of motion, and consequently enhance the quality of life. Sustained practice is very vital for quick relief of pain.
Certain yoga exercises like Virbhadrasana and Gaumukhasana are considered beneficial for lower back pain management.