Monday, November 28, 2011

Home Remedies for Piles: Treat Hemorrhoid Risks Naturally

Piles or hemorrhoids are not a very serious condition which can be treated promptly with home remedies and natural treatments. Though the prevelence of bleeding piles is lower, they are often a cause of concern and can result in serious health implications. Here are some simple home remedies and natural treatments to manage hemorrhoids and piles.

What are Piles? Prevelence of Hemorrhoids

Piles or Hemorrhoids is a condition which is characterized by swelling of the veins around the anus and the rectum. It is estimated that the prevalence of symptomic hemorrhoids is about 4.4% with approximately 10 million people in the United States suffering from the disorder.
In general, prevalence of hemorrhoids increases with increasing age. However, only about one third of this population seeks medical advice. While in most cases piles or hemorrhoids are asymptomatic, occassionally piles may bleed and very rarely may require a surgical intervention. Recent reports from the United States suggest that a steady decline is observed in surgical procedures performed to treat hemorrhoids (i.e. hemorrhoidectomy).

Piles or Hemorrhoids can
be very distressing
Hemorrhoids Causes: How do you get Piles?

Piles or Hemorrhoids can be largely classified in bleeding and non bleeding ( or blind piles). Blind or non bleeding piles are rarely noticed, due to absence of symptoms like bleeding per rectum. Bleeding hemorrhoids on the other hand are relatively more serious conditions, since; they increase the risk of blood loss and are responsible for anemia and other complications.

 There are a host of factors that are responsible for bleeding piles. Some of the common causes include, 
  • Continuous irritation or thrombosis is considered to be a primarily factor for bleeding piles. Internal piles (i.e. located in the rectum) are at a higher risk of bleeding compared to external piles (i.e. located on the skin).
  • Irritation may be caused due to constipation, which in turn can be attributed to higher intake of processed foods and lack of dietary fiber in the diet.
  • Sitting or standing for prolonged periods of time can also lead to venous congestion which in turn can lead to bleeding piles. Straining during stools can also contribute to venous congestion and piles.
  • Obesity and pregnancy are two conditions that are linked with constipation and increased abdominal pressure, which in turn can lead to piles
Hemorrhoids Home Remedies: Natural Treatment for Piles

There are host of simple home remedies that can be beneficial in the management and treatment of bleeding piles,
  • Local application of apple cider vinegar is considered to be beneficial in checking bleeding associated with internal piles. Vinegar acts as a astringent and prevents bleeding
  • Neem oil application around the affected area can be highly beneficial. Neem oil has anti microbial properties which prevents secondary infections and also helps reduce the itching caused due to the irritation
  • Witch Hazel Extract is
    beneficial for management
    of Bleeding Piles
  • Consuming Witch Hazel extract is also considered beneficial. The extract helps reduce venous congestion and also reduces inflammation at the site. It acts as a natural astringent
  • Consuming prunes daily is also highly beneficial. Prunes are loaded with dietary fiber and help fight constipation. This in turn reduces the risk of straining at stools and prevents formation of piles. Other foods that can be beneficial in treating constipation include raisins, fresh fruits, cereals, green leafy vegetables, etc. Consuming at least three liters of water each day is essential to manage bleeding hemorrhoids
Home based Treatment for Piles: Treating Hemorrhoids Naturally
Here are some simple tips that can help in management of bleeding hemorrhoids naturally,
  • Ensure that the anal area is kept clean and dry. Use mild baby soap to clean the anus after passing stools. Local application of Aloe Vera Gel is also considered beneficial
  • Sit in a hot tub at least once a day. The hot water helps improve blood circulation and can help fight venous congestion. Further adding a few spoons of Epsom salt can also be beneficial as it prevents secondary infections
  • Ensure that the undergarments that you wear are cotton made. This helps reduce irritation of the hemorrhoids
  • Avoid lifting heavy weights or straining at stools
Are Bleeding Hemorrhoids Serious?: Bleeding Piles Risks

Bleeding piles are often noticed when an individual notices blood in stools. Though in general the condition is not very serious, but it can result in further complications. Anemia due to excessive blood loss may result in generalized weakness, fatigue, lack of concentration, etc.

It is important to get yourself thoroughly evaluated by a physician. Bleeding during stools can also be associated with other gastrointestinal disorders like Cohn’s disease, Ulcerative Colitis and rectal cancer. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

About Premature Ejaculation: Natural Early Ejaculation Treatment

Premature ejaculation is a subjective condition,and one of the most common sexual dysfunction. Early Ejaculation is often associated with several causes like anxiety and depression and can further result an aggravation of these conditions. This article is meant to provide information about premature ejaculation, its causes and various home remedies and natural treatments for the management of the condition.

Premature ejaculation
can lead to depression
What is Premature Ejaculation?: About Early Ejaculation

Experts define Premature Ejaculation as a condition which is associated with ejaculation prior to the wish of both the sexual partners. This simple definition however doesn’t specify the duration of sexual intercourse and the time taken to reach the climax, which can vary across individuals considerably. It should be remembered that a occasional episode of premature ejaculation doesn’t require treatment. Only cases, where consistent pattern is observed in over 50% of sexual relations among a couple, require treatment.

The National Health Survey Report, have been indicative that early ejaculation is one of the most common sexual dysfunction affecting American males. The condition affects approximately 30% of the adult population, though estimates suggest that it may range from 30-70% in prevalence. The condition affects males below the age of forty years. Fortunately there are several home remedies and behavior modification strategies that can be used to prevent premature ejaculation in men.

What to do about Early Ejaculation? : What causes Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation can often vary depending on subjective orientation and differing viewpoints. Some females often take several minutes before reaching their climax which may be rather a condition of delayed orgasm in females rather than premature ejaculation in males.
A detailed assessment may be required prior to undergoing for treatment for premature ejaculation. .
Some of the common causes associated with premature ejaculations include,
  1. Stress, anxiety and apprehension can lead to premature ejaculation. Excessive masturbation can also increase the risk of premature ejaculation. Further, weakness of the muscles of the penis can also lead to premature ejaculation
  2. Depression can also lead to premature ejaculation
  3. Failure or expected failure can also result in premature ejaculation. It is a vicious cycle. Premature ejaculation can further lead to depression among young men, which in turn may further aggravate the condition.
  4. Diabetes along with other chronic conditions like elevated levels of blood cholestrol can also result in early ejaculation.
  5. Early ejaculation is common with increasing age.
  6. Premature ejaculation is common in drug addicts, alcoholics and smokers.

Stop Premature Ejaculation Naturally : Natural Early Ejaculation Treatment

Prior to taking trying out any medical treatment or natural home remedies, there are certain strategies that can be adopted to prevent premature ejaculation. These simple strategies need to be performed during the process of sexual intercourse and hence, a common consensus with the sexual partner is very important.
  • Firstly, depending condition, take a break during the middle of the sexual intercourse activity and squeeze the tip of the penis with your thumb and index finger. Hold the pressure for a few seconds and then release. Wait for a few seconds before resuming intercourse. This strategy can help delay the ejaculation and also helps train the body.
  • Some studies have shown that males can control their orgasm by lying on their back, while the sexual partner is positioned on the top. This strategy helps reduce the sensitivity of the penis and also prevents early ejaculation. However, the effectiveness of this strategy often differs in different individuals
  • Other studies have shown that subsequent orgasms tend to last longer compared to the first orgasm, especially among men. Hence it is suggested that the male partner should masturbate a couple of hours prior to the sexual intercourse. The first orgasm tends to dispel built up excitement and thereby helps the subsequent orgasm to last longer. However this strategy can’t be used by couples who are trying to conceive, since subsequent ejaculations tend to have a lower sperm count and reduce the possibility of conception.
It should always be remembered that excessive anxiety and elevated levels of stress are important contributing factors towards development of premature ejaculation. Yoga coupled with meditation can help manage stress levels and treat premature ejaculation naturally.

Home Remedies for Premature Ejaculation Treatment : Early Ejaculation Cures

There are certain home remedies that have been beneficial in delaying the climax and helping in curing premature ejaculation in males,
  • Ginseng is considered to be one of the most beneficial herb, which can help in preventing premature ejaculation in males
  • Winter Cherry or
    Ashwagandha for 
     Early Ejaculation
  • Saffron is another herb which is considered to be an aphrodisiac and also helps in improving libido. It is recommended to add a few strings to saffron to a glass of warm cow’s milk along with cardamom and ginger. As per traditional practice, warm milk with saffron is consumed in some regions of South East Asia on the first night of a couples honeymoon after marriage.
  • Honey is also considered to have strong aphrodisiac properties and can be used for the management of early ejacualation.
  • Green Onion seeds are considered to be very effective in curing premature ejaculation. Consume the seeds prior to a meal along with a glass of water
  • Winter cherry or Ashwagandha, also referred to as the Indian Ginseng is also considered beneficial in the management of premature ejaculation. Consuming a mixture of the herb along with a glass of warm cow's milk is considered beneficial
It is always vital to check if there is any other problem which might be contributing to premature ejaculation. Prostate problems can result in premature ejaculation and often massaging the prostate with caster oil is considered to have useful results. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Home Remedies for Oral Thrush in Babies: How to get rid of Oral Thrush Naturally

Estimates from the United States suggest that approximately 37% of all newborn babies develop oral thrush during the first few months of their life. Though the condition is often self limiting and closely linked with poor nourishment, thrush is often associated with an underlying possibility of immunodeficiency and hence is often a cause of concern. 

Oral Thrush is common
in infants and babies
Symptoms of Thrush in Babies: Side Effects of Oral Thrush

Oral thrush is the most common yeast infection caused due to a fungi ‘candida albicans’. This condition frequently affects babies below the age of two years, but is usually self limiting and settles within a couple of weeks. Weak immune system or secondary infection during normal delivery is some of the common causes. The symptoms associated with oral thrush in babies include,
  • White patches in the infants mouth which may be located on the palate, cheeks or gums
  • These patches can’t be removed or rubbed off easily. Attempting to rub these patches may often result in inflammation at the site which may eventually bleed
  • The baby refuses to breastfeed or may be unable to suck on the mothers nipples.
  • Excessive crying, irritability and restlessness may also be observed in the babies.

Though oral thrush is self limiting condition, it can spread along the gastro-intestinal system of the baby which may affect the health and nutritional status of the infant. The organs most frequently affected by candida infection include the lungs, liver and the Gastro intestinal system . Oral thrush in adults is often considered to be a sign of immunodeficiency caused due to serious condition like HIV or cancer.

 Home Remedies for Thrush in Babies; Treating Oral Thrush in Infants

There are a host of food prescriptions along with natural remedies that have been known to have a beneficial in the management of oral thrush,
  • Yogurt: Yogurt supplies healthy bacteria to the body, which can capable of fighting yeast infection. Allowing the baby to consume some bit of yogurt or applying yogurt locally at the site of the infection can be highly beneficial. Ensure that local application is wiped within about an hour.
  • Grapefruit Extract is
    beneficial in treating
    Oral Thrush
  • Baking Soda: This is another natural treatment for oral thrush. Add one teaspoon of the baking soda into a glass of water and mix it well. Using cotton swab, apply the solution on the affected site. Apply the solution after each feed.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar: Vinegar has strong anti bacterial and antifungal properties. Local application of diluted mixture of apple cider vinegar is considered to be beneficial in the management of oral thrush.
  • Grapefruit Seed Extract: This fruit extract has strong antifungal properties which is considered beneficial in treating oral thrush in babies. Grapefruit extract mixed with honey can also be beneficial in management of oral thrush
  • Garlic: Garlic oil has potent antiseptic properties and can manage some stubborn forms of oral thrush quickly.

How to Get Rid Of Thrush in Babies; Important Tips for Oral Thrush Treatment  
Here are some essential tips that are beneficial in the management of oral thrush naturally,  \
  • Maintaining utmost oral hygiene in infants and babies is very crucial. Keep the mouth clean and wash it frequently with plain water. Using a cotton swab, clean the tongue and the oral cavity of the infant regularly, at least twice a day.
  • While weaning the child, stay away from sugary foods or packed baby foods that contain refined sugar. Fungus tends to strive on sugar
  • Ensure that the baby’s bottle, pacifier, comforters, etc are cleaned and washed. These precautionary measures help prevent the spread of the infection and also hasten recovery.
  • Administration of steroids can result in drop in immunity in the child. Avoid administration of steroids, especially up to the age of nine months. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Treating Sciatica Naturally: Home Remedies & Foods for Lower Back Pain

Estimates suggest that one in every hundred people suffer from lower back pain due to sciatica. The prevalence of back pain due to sciatica increases with age, with 50% of all cases of back pain above the age of 60 years being attributed to sciatica. Sciatica is a nerve-related condition that causes excruciating pain and discomfort, due to the impingement of the sciatic nerve.

Causes of Sciatica: Sciatica Symptoms
The most common etiological factor for the occurrence of sciatica is pressure from a herniated disc. Another important cause is the Piriformis Syndrome. The piriformis muscle puts pressure on to the sciatic nerve when it gets imbalanced, thereby, making the pelvic bones displaced, and compressing the sciatic nerve. Spinal canal stenosis causes inflammation because of continuous pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Common clinical features of sciatica include: lower back pain that radiates down to the posterior aspect of the thighs and calves, sometimes causing pain in the ankles and toes as well. Tingling numbness is an associated feature. Dietary prescriptions and exercises can help alleviate the pain and discomfort and also ward off aggravations.

Home Remedies for Sciatica: Lower Back Pain Remedies

Foods have immense healing and curative powers. Research says, certain specific food prescriptions are known to manage the pain and ‘pins and needles’ sensation associated with sciatica and treat sciatica successfully. Make sure you incorporate these foods in to your daily diet.
    Radish is beneficial
    for treatment of sciatica
  • Garlic: Garlic is a potent inflammation fighter. It can assuage pain, boost blood circulation, and also provide the body with energy and vigor. Have two flakes of raw garlic everyday.
  • Horse radish: Is a very effective home remedy for the successful treatment of sciatica. Crush fresh horse radish to make a poultice; apply this to the painful areas, and leave on for half an hour. This stimulates the sciatica nerve and will proffer relief from the pain.
  • Essential oils: aroma oils such as: Clove Oil, Cardamom Oil and Ginger Oil are decidedly beneficial in the treatment of sciatica. These oils help lessen the pain appreciably and decrease the discomfort and distress associated with the condition. Blend these oils with a carrier oil, such as, coconut oil or sesame seed oil and massage the lower back and the back of the legs daily.
Diet for Sciatica: Lower Back Pain Diet
Here are some diet prescriptions for managing Lower back pain due to sciatica,
  • You must ensure that the protein consumption is good. Also, ensure that you have soy in some form everyday. Excellent sources of proteins are: meat, eggs, chicken, legumes and milk.
  • Vitamin B rich foods: supplementing your diet with vitamin B is very essential; vitamin B is crucial for optimal nerve health. Excellent sources of the vitamin are: whole grains, nuts, spinach, peas, meat, beef, pinto beans, bananas, soy, and legumes. Make sure that you get a generous dose of these foods on a daily basis. Doctors also recommend starting a vitamin B complex supplement daily. Vitamin B complex helps manage tingling numbness and pain effectively.
  • Virbhadrasana is effective
    in Sciatica managment
  • Carrot ought to be a part of your everyday diet. Have one glass of carrot juice everyday. Carrot supplies the body with most of the essential vitamins and minerals that keep the nerves functioning normally.
Exercises and Stretches For Sciatica: Exercise for Lower Back Pain  
All health care professionals stress on the need for exercising and physiotherapy. Exercises stretch the muscles, ligaments and tendons and reinforce them; they ease pain and stiffness and thus improve the range of motion, and consequently enhance the quality of life. Sustained practice is very vital for quick relief of pain.
Certain yoga exercises like Virbhadrasana and Gaumukhasana are considered beneficial for lower back pain management. 

Friday, September 16, 2011

What are Pre-menstrual Syndrome?: Natural Pre-menstrual Cramp Relief

Pre-menstrual cramps and premenstrual syndrome are not signs of gynecological or menstural disorder but are often a part of the normal menstrual periods in most of the females. Though these condition can be treated using over the counter medications there are several natural and home remedies to manage the condition promptly. As per a recent study conducted in Germany, Chaste tree extract and Vitamin B6 supplements aided in reducing menstrual cramps and other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome in about 36% and 21% of the participants respectively.
PMS is associated with
severe distress
Premenstrual Cramps: Causes of Premenstrual Cramps
As a part of the larger syndrome (Premenstrual Syndrome), premenstrual cramps are relatively common among females during their reproductive age. However about 5-10% of females suffer from severe abdominal pain prior to their menstrual periods, which often tend to interfere with their routine functioning.
  • Experts believe that premenstrual cramps stem from the imbalance among female sex hormones namely estrogen and progesterone. This alteration in balance tends to result in smooth muscle contractions due to electrolyte imbalances. 
  • Liver Disorders also contribute to the development of premenstrual cramps. Liver plays an important role in excreting excess of estrogen from the blood. If the liver is not functioning adequately due to hepatitis, pre-menstrual cramps are experienced
  • Some experts believe that premenstrual cramps can be attributed to lower production of serotonin (a chemical messenger and neurotransmitter). Studies have shown that serotonin resulted in increased sensitivity to pain and can result in cramping feeling in the abdomen.
Premenstrual Cramps and Premenstrual Syndrome: Symptoms of PMS
Pre-menstrual cramps may be primary or secondary in origin. Primary cramps are associated with primary dysmenorrhea and begin a couple of days prior to menstruation. These cramps are relatively severe and associated with colicky pain in the abdomen which may radiate down to the thighs/ hips. Secondary dysmenorrhea on the other hand is associated with genital disease namely pelvic inflammatory disease or urinary tract infection.
In addition to the menstrual cramps, a female may experience a host of other symptoms as a part of the Premenstrual Syndrome complex,
  • Breast pain and breast tenderness
  • Abdominal bloating and gaseous distention with gassy stomach
  • Fatigue with lack of energy
  • Sleeplessness or insomnia
  • Headache along with generalized body pain and joint pain
  • Constipation or diarrhea along with nausea and vomiting may also be experienced.
Premenstrual cramps relief: Natural and Effective Home Remedies to treat PMS
A large number of females usually treat pre-menstrual cramps using over the counter NSAIDs, which are often associated with various health implications include heartburn, reflux disease and peptic ulcers. Fortunately, there are a wide range of natural treatment options that can help in long term and effective management premenstrual Cramps.
  • Chaste Tree extracts are considered beneficial in management of premenstrual cramps. Chaste tree supplements help regulate the hormonal imbalance by acting on the pituitary gland. Herbs like dong qaui and black cohosh are considered to increase the efficacy of chaste tree extract.
  • Magnesium and Vitamin
    Supplements can reduce
    Pre-menstural Cramps
  • Vitamin B6 supplements are also beneficial in management of menstrual cramps. Vitamin B6 not only improves the livers ability to process and excrete excess of estrogen, it enables the brain to stimulate the production of serotonin.
  • Magnesium supplements are known to reduce muscular contractions and can help in management of menstrual cramps
  • Aroma Oils are considered to benefit in reducing pre-menstrual cramps. Lavender and geranium oils can aid in reducing abdominal colic and pain.
  • Regular exercise or yoga therapy can help in improving the pain threshold along with playing a key role in improving hormonal imbalances. 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Home based Eye Care for Computer Users: Vision Eye Care with Eye Excercises

Eye care is important for computer users. Prolonged time in front of the computer screen increases need for vision eye care. This article is about how to care eyes and key eye care tips especially for computer users. Eye Yoga is a unique technique to maintain healthy vision and prevent eye problems

Vision Eye Care For Computer Users: Home based Care of Eyes Naturally

Nearly all of us spend long intervals of time working at the computer. Whether you spend 2 hours or 20 hours staring at the computer screen, taking good care of your eyes will help promote eye health, prevent eye disorders and reduce the brutal effects of exposure to the screen.
Prolonged exposure to computer screen often results in blurring of vision, which increases eye strain and can result in other symptoms like headache and irritability.

Vision Eye Care  results in blurring of vision which can be treated promptly at home by performing certain eye exercises and eye yoga daily. Other Eye tips like taking frequent breaks from the computer can also reduce eye strain and improve eye health.
Eye Glasses are frequent
among computer users
Vision Eye Exercises for Computer Users: Natural Eye Care Tips
The following exercises are decidedly beneficial and can even be done at your office desk. These exercises help relieve stress and strain in the muscles of the eyes, keep the vision good, give your eyes a much needed rest and also rejuvenate them.
  • Palming: Palming soothes tired eyes and banishes eye strain. Sit in a chair, comfortably. Close your eyes. Massage your palms briskly, and place them over the shut eyes. When doing so, do not put excessive pressure over the eyes, just cup them gently. Hold for a minute. This technique helps soothen the eye and also aids in improving vision.
  • Scanning: Scanning helps your eyes fine-tune to near and far objects. Sit comfortably. Focus your eyes on an object in the room; draw the outline of each object, moving from wall to wall. The eyes should move continually, from object to object, on the other hand, not in a haphazard manner. Scan the room for 2 to 3 minutes. 
  • Eye Aerobics: Close your eyes. Keeping them closed; look up as far as you can. Do not strain your eyes though. Then, look down. Repeat thrice. Now, open your eyes. After a minute close them again and move them to the left, and then to the right. Repeat thrice. Open your eyes..
How to Care for Eyes at Home: Eye Yoga for Care of the Eyes among Computer Users
Trataka cures diseases of the eyes and removes tiredness. It also helps focus the mind, improve concentration and is calming.

  • Light a candle and place it on a low table. The candle should be in level with your eyes. Sit comfortably on the floor. The flame should be about 1 meter from your face.
  • Gaze at the flame steadily, without blinking, for about 30 seconds. Gradually, increase this count to 60 seconds.
  • Initially, gazing without blinking will be difficult; however, with regular practice you will be able to do it well.
  • Keep your mind steady and resist any temptation to blink.
  • When your time is up, close your eyes. An after image of the flame will appear. When it disappears, open your eyes. You can do the second round of gazing then.
  • Repeat thrice. After the third round, practice palming of the eyes.
Vision Eye Care Tips for Computer Users: Home based Eye Tips for Better Eye Vision

In addition to eye excercises and eye yoga, there are a host of other health tips that can prove beneficial in Vision eye care. These are simple home based tips that can help strenghten vision naturally,
  • Increase the intake of foods rich in Vitamin A. Vitamin A is important for the eyes as it contains retinol, which is important to maintain healthy vision. Increase intake of carrots, green leafy vegetables, liver and organ meat.
  • Take frequent breaks when in front of the computer.
  • Ensure that the computer screen is not very bright. Ensure that the brightness is at par with the surrounding areas. Too bright computer screens can cause eye strain and eye damage
  • Slash cold water on the eyes frequently. This soothens the eyes and reduces eye strain.
  • Ensure that the fonts on the computer screen are large. Fonts smaller than 14 can lead to eye strain, especially after prolonged usage.