Monday, April 2, 2012

Treat Osteoporosis Naturally with Home Remedies: Treatment Guidelines and Screening

Osteoporosis or loss of bone density results in thousands of bone fractures every year. Consequently, it is very essential to have regular screening , understand the various causes and treatment guidelines in order to prevent the disorder. There are natural treatment guidelines including dietary and lifestyle modifications that reduce the chances of avoiding pain and fractures later on.

What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis means ‘porous bones’; it is a condition wherein there occurs a reduction in the mineral content of bones and weakening of their structure, making them vulnerable to fractures.
Osteoporotic Bones

The condition is associated with certain risk factors,
  • It is more frequently seen in women; older men experience it as well, however, their bones are denser and consequently, the bone loss is less severe.
  • After menopause there occurs a sharp decline in the level of the hormone estrogen, and this is relate to osteoporosis in women. Estrogen helps the body absorb calcium and keeps the bones healthy and strong.
  • A lack of weight bearing exercise poses as a risk factor for the occurrence of osteoporosis.
  • A diet that lacks calcium is another significant risk factor too.
  • Under weight people and small-boned people are at a higher risk too.
  • A family history of the disorder increases your chances of developing the condition.
  • Those who have taken anti epileptic drugs or anti-convulsants or steroids for prolonged periods are prone as well

Symptoms and Screening for Osteoporosis

Some of the common symptoms associated with the condition include,
  • Gradual loss of height accompanied by the development of a stooped posture.
  • Severe backache
  • Fracture of the spine or hip or wrist.
  • Dental X rays detect bone loss in the jaw.
.There are certain tests that are performed which help in early diagnosis of the condition, 
  1. A bone density study conducted or a DEXA (dual energy X ray Absorptiometry) can help in understanding the bone mass concentration
  2. In case of bone or joint pain and discomfort X ray of the spine or feet or hips is advised.

Home Remedies for Osteoporosis

Some home remedies and dietary suggestions to treat osteoporosis include,
  • Calcium: step up your intake of milk, yogurt, cheese, fish, broccoli and almonds. These are packed with calcium; and support bone health and augment bone strength. Supplementation is also a must, 500 mg daily.
  • Vitamin D: a supplement of 200 I.U. is prescribed. Vitamin D promotes strong bones and reduces the risk of fractures. It ensures that calcium is well absorbed by the body.
  • Magnesium: eat plenty of dark green leafy vegetables, nuts and legumes; they are loaded with the mineral. This mineral makes sure that the calcium stays in the bones.
  • Boron: boron helps decrease bone loss and is also known to increase the effect of estrogen as well as vitamin D. Incorporate lots of almonds, raisins, peanuts, prunes, bananas and broccoli in to your diet.
Weight bearing Exercises
to fight Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis Treatment Guidelines and Excercises

The following tips will help you prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis and also help manage the condition in those who have developed it:

  • Regular exercise, at least thrice  a week is a must
  • Quit smoking.
  • Restrict your consumption of alcohol.
  • When you take supplements, do ensure that you have consulted your physician; when it comes to supplements, more is not always better. Doubling your dose of calcium supplement tends to interfere with the benefits of magnesium and zinc; so don’t go overboard.

Experts recommend exercising on a daily basis; if that is not possible, you ought to exercise at least 3 times in a week. Weight bearing exercises are advocated; these are walking and lifting weights. In these exercises the legs as well as other parts of the body meet resistance.

However, get a trained instructor and do not be over zealous; begin with small sessions and gradually build up o the intensity and duration.


Friday, March 30, 2012

What is Diverticulitis?: Home Remedies for Colonic Diverticular Disorder

Diverticulitis is a lifestyle disease that develops due to insufficient exercise and consuming a diet that is lacking in fiber. The prevelence of the condition is estimated at 5% in younger age groups and increases with advancing age. Early diagnosis and treatment of diverticulitis is very essential to ward off complications. There are a host of natural remedies and dietary suggestions that help manage the symptoms of this colonic disorder successfully, and prevent flare ups.

Diverticulitis Appearance
What is Colonic Diverticular Disorder?

The inner lining of the colon pushes through the muscle layer that limits it; and forms a pouch. This out-pouching is called diverticulosis. Food gets caught in the pouch and this leads to inflammation and infection. This serious inflammatory condition is called diverticulitis.

By and large, the key cause for the occurrence of diverticulitis is a low fiber diet. When your diet lacks fiber, your colon works harder than usual to expel feces; and straining aggravates the condition. Wastes and feces move slowly through the bowel, thereby, allowing more time for the food to get caught within the pouch, resulting in inflammation and infection.

No exercise makes your alimentary canal still more sluggish and contributes to the development of diverticulitis.

Other caustive factors include indiscriminate use of NSAIDs, ciggarette smoking, caffeine intake, alcohol abuse, etc.

Symptoms of Diverticulitis

In most cases the condition is usually asymptomatic, however some of the common symptoms associated with it include,  
  • Pain is usually felt in the lower left side of the abdomen.
  • Fever is a presenting symptom
  • Constipation is an important symptom; and may alternate with diarrhea
  • Nausea may be present in some cases
  • Stool may contain blood and mucus

Natural Treatment for Colonic Diverticular Disorder

Here are some natural treatment options that can help in the treatment of this colonic disorder,
  • Avoid NSAIDs. Opt for natural products like tumeric and garlic to deal with inflammatory conditions and pain.
  • Exercise regularly, at least 3 times a week. Exercise boosts the working of the bowel and checks slow bowel movement and thereby eases constipation.
  • Drink 2 to 2 and ½ liters of water every day. Water drives out toxins from the colon and sluices the GI tract clean and detoxifies that body.

Home Remedies for Diverticulitis Treatment

Diet acts as a natural cure for the management of diverticulitis. Here are some simple home remedies and dietary suggestions that can help in the management of the condition.
Peppermint Tea Treats Diverticulitis
  1. Psyllium seeds: are packed with dietary fiber. Soak a spoon of psyllium seeds in a bowl of warm water for 20 to 30 minutes; consume. Psyllium seeds add bulk to the stool and scrape the colon clean. Psyllium seeds can help get rid of old, encrusted waste matter successfully.
  2. Dates: combat the most obstinate case of constipation almost instantaneously. Dates are chock full of beta D glucan, a dietary fiber that adds bulk to feces and facilitates rapid expulsion from the colon, thus lowering its transit time within the colon. Consume 5 to 10 dates every night
  3. Peppermint tea: peppermint is known to sooth the lining of the gastro-intestinal system. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and allays spasms and pains in the abdomen. Have 200 ml of peppermint tea daily.
  4. Chamomile tea is recommended by most nutritionists and experts. Steep a spoon of fresh or dried chamomile in a bowl of hot water for about half an hour; have this decoction twice daily. Chamomile is a potent anti-inflammatory which soothes the mucus membrane of the GI canal. It treats inflammations and gastric upsets effectively.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

What is Vaginal Yeast Infection?: Home Remedies and Natural Treatment for Vaginal Thrush

As per the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 75% of all females suffer from vaginal yeast infection in their life time. Also referred to Genitovulvar candidiasis, the condition is associated with overgrowth of normal yeast found in the vagina. The condition is associated with several unpleasent symptoms and is often very distressing. Fortunately there are certain home remedies and natural treatment options that can be helpful.

Candida albicans
What is Vaginal Yeast Infection?
Candidia albicans is the microbe that is responsible for vaginal thrush/infection. The microorganism is normally present in our body in small, harmless proportions, in warm, moist areas; however, under certain circumstances, their population increases and they produce various yeast infection symptoms.

Commonly women complain of:
  • White, or white-yellow, curd-like discharge. It may be smelly or odorless.
  • Intense itching and burning around the vagina
  • Redness of the external genital area.
What Causes Vaginal Thrush?

There are several factors that can contribute towards development of vaginal yeast infection. Some of these factors include,
  •  When the normal balance of the yeast population gets disturbed or the pH of the vagina gets imbalanced, an ideal condition is generated which brings about a multiplication and proliferation of the yeast microbe. 
  • Wearing tight jeans and nylon underwear is a huge contributing factor. 
  • The risk of developing thrush also increases during pregnancy when hormonal changes occur. 
  • Using contraceptives or spermicides is another significant cause. Use of HRT can also increase the risk of development of vaginal yeast infections
  • Diabetes is a predisposing factor. 

Yeast Infection Cures At Home:Home Remedies

Fortunately there are certain home remedies that can help in the management of yeast infections,
Tea Tree Essential Oil
Fights Vaginal Thrush
  1. Vitamin C: vitamin C is an infection fighter and immune system booster. You could take a vitamin C supplement twice daily for about a week. It will help decrease the symptom of candidiasis almost immediately. Also, ensure that your diet has plenty of bell peppers, oranges, limes, grapes, papayas and apples. These are generously loaded with the vitamin.
  2.  Tea tree oil: the tea tree essential oil is infinitely beneficial for thrush symptoms. Tea tree is an effective anti-fungal and helps allay itching and burning around the vagina. Add 2 to 3 drops of the essential oil to a tumbler of water and use it as a vaginal wash daily.
  3.  Echinacea: this herb stimulates the WBCs to destroy the multiplying yeast; it is a powerful immune system fortifier. Experts recommend that if you are prone to repeated yeast infections; take a supplement or tincture of the herb for 3 weeks. Thereafter stop the supplement for 1 week and restart for another 3 weeks. This will reduce the frequency and intensity of the symptoms of thrush.
  4. Fenugreek seeds: fenugreek seeds are extremely beneficial for thrush. Soak about 5 spoons of the seed in water for half an hour. Then boil the same in a bowl of water for 20 minutes. Use this decoction as a vaginal wash daily for a month for quick and long lasting results.
  5. Yogurt: nutritionists state that consuming a bowl of yogurt daily is useful for women who have a predisposition for yeast infection. Yogurt is packed with pro-biotics which reduce the incidence of yeast infections.
  6. Garlic: garlic is another potent infection fighter. Consuming one flake of garlic diminishes the growth of Candidia albicans appreciably.
Vaginal Candida Natural Treatment 

In addition to the home remedies, there are certain tips that can be handy in managing yeast infection and preventing the recurrence of Vaginal candidiasis infection,
  • Wear only cotton under wear. Stop wearing panty hose.
  • Avoid tight jeans
  • Don’t use deodorized tampons
  • Use a mild soap to wash the genital area. Maintain strict hygiene levels.
  • Limit your intake of starch and sugary foods; given that yeast feeds on sugar. 
A combination of home remedies, lifesytle tips and healthy diet can help in the effective management of yeast infection.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Home Remedies to Treat Earache and Ear Infections: Natural Treatment for Ear Pain

Otitis or infection of the ear is associated severe ear pain which may be attributed to a host of caustive factors. Middle ear infection, inner ear infection, swimmer’s ear or outer ear infection, whatever may be the cause, an earache hurts a lot. Though the condition can affect individuals of any age group, it is frequently observed in children and young adults. There are several natural earache cures and home remedies which promise to speed up the process of healing.

What causes Earache?
Ear Infection and
Ear Pain

Ear pain results from infection, inflammation and swelling of the outer canal of the ear or the membrane separating the outer ear from the middle ear. Eustachian tube blockage is an important etiological factor, since there occurs an accumulation of pus and fluids that trigger pain and heaviness within the ear.
  1. Typically, microbes, such as bacteria, virus and fungi cause ear pain; this usually occurs due to an infection in the upper respiratory system and common cold.
  2. Other causes include moisture, allergic reaction to allergens or microbes trapped within the ear.
  3. Excessive production of ear wax is another significant cause
  4. Sudden changes in the pressure also contributes to earache
  5. Punctured ear drum is a serious cause and necessitates instant medical care.
  6. Exposure to hair dyes and chlorinated water trigger earache as well.

Symptoms of Ear Infection

Here are some common symptoms that are associated with ear infection,
  • There may be heaviness, steady pain or a throbbing sensation which may be associated with headache
  • Itching within the ear
  • Muffled hearing
  • Popping sensation in the ear
  • Clear discharge, or a bloody yellow-green discharge
  • Fever
  • Dizziness
Home Remedies to treat Earache

There are several natural cures and home remedies that are effective in management of ear troubles. These natural home based remedies include,

  1. Garlic oil: Garlic is a potent infection fighter. It helps decrease the population and activity of most microbes, thus checking infection promptly. Instill 2 to 3 drops of garlic oil in the affected ear, thrice every day.
  2. Lavender oil; Lavender oil reduces inflammation and pain quickly. It also allays discomfort and itching in the ear. Apply a drop to the outside of the ear and rub gently. Use frequently through the day.
  3. Eucalyptus oil: Eucalyptus oil also battles infection effectively. It opens the Eustachian tube, reduces heaviness and pressure in the era, and helps in the drainage of pus and fluids. Add 5 drops of the oil to a bowl of boiling water; place a towel over the head and inhale the vapors. Follow this twice daily.

Natural Treatments for Earache Relief

Here are some natural ways to achieve ear pain relief,
  • Place a warm compress (you may use Lavender essential oil) over the affected ear. Replace compresses until the pain starts reducing. Heat will ease the pain as well as facilitate rapid healing.
  • Drinking hot chamomile tea is also recommended; it is soothing.
  • Do not use cotton buds, they can puncture the ear drum and further aggravate the condition.
  •  Also refrain from instilling hydrogen peroxide drops to clean the ear; it irritates the ear canal. 
In addition there are some herbs and supplements that have been found effective in the management and treatment of earache,
Echinacea Treats
Ear Infection
  1. Echinacea: this herb clears up infection rapidly. It enhances the working of the immune system, and is rather effective when the ear pain is due to upper respiratory trouble.
  2. Vitamin C: vitamin C perks up the function of the immune system as well. It fights infections; and importantly, prevents recurrences. You may take a supplement daily (500 mg twice daily for 1 week), or have a glass of lime juice every morning. Also incorporate bell peppers, tomatoes, chilies, oranges, sweet limes and guavas in the diet.
  3. Vitamin A: vitamin A is an equally powerful immunity booster. Taken in conjunct with vitamin C it speeds up healing. Take a 25000 I.U. supplement daily for a week.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Home Remedies for Muscle Pain: Treating Muscle Aches using Natural Treatment

Though not at all serious, muscle pain and muscle cramps can be a very uncomfortable condition; consequently, understanding the cause of muscle pain and relieving muscle pain quickly is very important. There are a host of home remedies and natural treatment options to relive muscle pain and treat muscle soreness promptly

What Causes  Muscle Pain and Spasms ? 

Massage Relieves
Muscle Pain
Soreness, pain and stiffness of the muscle develop as a consequence of overdoing a certain physical activity, such as overextending yourself, running the marathon, lifting a heavy bag, excessive exercise or digging the garden. This type of muscle pain begins 1 to 2 days after the physical activity and may last for almost a week.
Any new and strenuous physical activity triggers muscle pain. Pain is an indication of microscopic tear within the muscle, which rebuilds in a few days. Almost all activities cause the muscle to lengthen against force, and consequently generate this type of injury, thereby, setting off muscular soreness

Muscle spasms or muscle cramps occur when the muscle unexpectedly contracts and fails to relax. Cramps commonly occur in the calf, foot, or thigh; they occur at any time, even during sleep.

On the other hand, a muscle spasm does not occur due to an injury; the exact cause is unknown. By and large, an inequity in the minerals – calcium and magnesium, which manage contraction and relaxation of muscles, is a significant triggering factor. Also, inadequate intake of fluids can prompt the occurrence of a cramp. Other triggers include: wearing high heels, sleeping with the bedding tightly wrapped around the legs and excessive exercise during the day.
Natural Remedies to Treat Muscle Aches

Here are some simple supplements and dietary suggestions to relive muscle pain and aches,
  • Calcium and Magnesium supplements: calcium and magnesium controls the contraction and relaxation of a muscle. Consequently, a deficiency of these minerals sets off muscular pain and aches. Consult your doctor and start these supplements for about 2 to 3 weeks.
  •  Vitamin E: vitamin E supplement is recommended for those who experience exercise-related muscle pain and cramps. Vitamin E is also beneficial for night-time cramps.
  •  Bromelain: is an enzyme that exerts powerful anti inflammatory properties. It helps allay inflammation and swelling, and drains out excess fluid from the site of muscle injury. Bromelain is available as a supplement; rich natural source of the enzyme is pineapple. 
An essential oil massage is the most effective remedy to manage muscle pain and aches. In fact, they work almost instantaneously.
  • Blend together 10 ml of a carrier oil, such as, sesame seed oil or almond oil, with 5 drops of Clove essential oil, 3 drops Ginger essential oil and 5 drops Nutmeg essential oil.
  • These oils tone and warm the muscles and also release tight knotted tension after heavy physical activity. Aromatherapy has the potential to benefit tired and aching muscles, particularly when they are cold and contracted. 
 Muscle Pain Relief and Natural Treatment

 Here are some simple life style related suggestions that can help relive muscle pain,
Stay Well Hydrated
  • Drink plenty of water before, during and after an exercise. Always warm-up before the and stretch after the exercise session to relax the muscles. Stretching exercises reduce the risk of post work out soreness appreciably.
  • Extreme soreness can be relieved by applying ice to the inflamed area.
  • To ease cramps in the foot or calves, grab the toes of the foot and flex the foot, very gently towards the knee. Simultaneously massage the calf in order to relax the muscle.
  • Regular yoga sessions help improve muscle flexibility and reduce the risk of muscle pain and cramps.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Treat Insomnia Naturally with Herbs: Cures and Tips for Sleep Disorder

As per a poll conducted by National Sleep Foundation in 2002, approximately half the adults suffer from insomnia or sleeplessness; with varying degree of severity. There are several different causes of insomnia ranging from medical to psychological and effectiveness of home remedies and natural treatment often varies, depending upon the cause. However, making an effort to improve sleep naturally and opting for natural sleep aids is very important, given that, sleeping pills have a tendency to make you addicted to them.
Insomnia Sleep Disorder
What is Insomnia and Sleep Disorders?
Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep, not able to stay asleep or constantly waking up earlier than planned. Sleep disorders that last only for a couple of nights does not mean you have insomnia. Chronic sleeplessness and sleep disturbances, lasting for months or years characterizes insomnia.
Depending upon the duration of insomina, it is further classified into transiant ( symptoms present for less than a week), acute ( symptoms present for less than a month) and chronic (symptoms present for more than a month).

Some of the key symptoms common across all forms of insomnia include, 
  • Difficulty in falling asleep
  • Cannot sleep all night
  • Wakes up frequently and  / or too early
  • Fatigue and generalized weakness
  • Anxiety and irritability
  • Inability to concentrate
Causes of Sleeplessness and Insomnia
There are several causes that are linked with sleeplessness and insomina. Some of the leading causes include,
  • Hormonal imbalances and conditions like restless leg syndrome contribute to sleeplessness.
  • A major illness, emotion turmoil or trauma and psychological upheavals are significant factors
  • Physical pain may contribute to sleeplessness as well.
  • Dietary factors lays an important role in sleep disorders; so does your lifestyle pattern
  • Certain psychotrophic drugs and medications can also trigger the onset of some of the symptoms.
  • Medical conditions including neurological disorders, hypertension, dementia, etc are also linked with the condition. 

 It is very important that you ascertain the causes of insomnia and try to mange it effectively.

Home Remedies for Sleeplessness and Insomnia

Here are some natural herbal remedies considered beneficial in the management of sleep disorders and insomnia,  
Chamomile Tea
Induces Restful Sleep
  1. Valerian: Valerian is a potent sleep inducer. It soothes frayed nerves and promotes good, sound sleep. 250 to 500 mg at bedtime is recommended. Taper off your dosage once you start seeing improvement.
  2. Chamomile tea: chamomile tea is another very effective sleep aid. It encourages relaxation and repose and greatly reduces stress, thus making it easier to fall asleep. Have 1 cup of chamomile tea every evening.
  3. St. John’s Wort: this herb is known to increase the levels of sleep inducing chemical serotonin; it eases anxiety and anguish and helps you to have a peaceful sleep.
Among the various natural insomnia remedies are dietary supplements; they promise you quick and peaceful sleep without the threat of any side effects.
  • Calcium and magnesium supplements: experts recommend having calcium and magnesium supplements before bedtime. Occasionally, a deficiency of calcium and / or magnesium is known to trigger
  • Vitamin B complex: take a vitamin B complex twice daily. Vitamin B is known to ease stress and anxiety; it also soothes the nervous system and helps you to calm down.
Natural Treatment to Improve Sleep

Aromatherapy is an effective tool to combat insomnia. Several essential oils have proved to be decidedly useful in the management of sleep disorders; they bring on restful and sound sleep.
Sprinkle a couple of drops of Lavender essential oil on the pillow.
Before retiring to the bed, take a warm bath; not hot, just warm. Add Lavender, Frankincense or Chamomile essential oil to the water.

In addition to the various home remedies and supplements, there are certain lifestyle tips that can help in the cure of insomnia and induce sleep. Here are some of the tips,  
  • Exercise at least thrice a week; it banishes stress and helps you sleep soundly through the night. Yoga poses are also beneficial to relive stress and improve sleep. However, never exercise in the evening and night, it makes you alert.
  • Stick to a fixed sleep pattern.
  • Use your bed only for sleeping, not to eat or watch television.
  • Steer clear of alcohol, tobacco and caffeine.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Home Remedies for Wart Removal and Treatment

Wart is a common skin complaint; though the prevelence of the condition is poorly understood. Reports have suggested the prevelence may vary from 0.9% to 12% of the general population. Non genital warts in healthy individuals are harmless and typically fade away naturally. However there are a host of home remedies and natural treatment options that can help in removal of warts mandated due to cosmetic reasons.

What are the different types of Warts?
Warts are tiny growths on the skin that are by and large, not dangerous. There are different types or forms of this skin lesion. They may grow singly or in groups, they may itch or bleed, though they are usually painless.
Plantar Warts are the
most common type

They are usually classified based on the location at which they are found,
  • Warts on Hand/ Common Warts: A common form manifests as a flat or faintly raised growth, generally on the fingers and hands.
  • Warts on Feet/ Plantar Warts: A plantar form is seen as a flat or somewhat raised bump on the base of the foot, and may resemble a callus.
  • Genital Warts: A genital form is seen as a red-pink growth, having a small, flower-like top, and appears around the genitals or the anus. These are considered serious, given that, unlike the other warts they are extremely infectious; and some even raise the peril of cervical, penile or skin cancer.
What Causes Warts and are they Contagious?
The chief cause of these skin lesions is HPV or Human Papilloma Virus infection. This virus enters the superficial layer of the skin through an abrasion or a cut. After infection occurs, it may take several months for the wart to manifest. Poor immunity plays a contributing role in the development of these skin lesions.
Common and planter forms are somewhat infectious. Touching them causes a release of the virus, which can infect others. Scratching them can cause them to break up and bleed, thus, making them more contagious.
Indirect infection can also occur via floors in bathrooms and swimming pools. People who have a cut or scratch on the soles of the feet are particularly susceptible.
Genital forms are highly contagious and spread via sexual intercourse.

Natural Wart Removal Treatment

Here are some natural treatment options for the management of these lesions. These natural remedies help in reducing the size and occurrence,
  • Vitamin A: Vitamin A is essential for good skin health. It also helps boost immunity and eliminates skin growths effectively. A supplement of 50000 IU, twice daily is recommended for 10 days.
  •  Vitamin E: Vitamin E is another effective nutrient that helps maintain healthy skin. Experts advocate 1 capsule daily. Also, applying vitamin E oil helps heal the wart faster.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a powerful virus-fighter. Take 1000 mg thrice daily. Additionally, the tablet, mix with a little bit of water and apply to the wart.
Home Remedies to remove Warts

Here are some simple home remedies and natural treatment options for the removal,
Goldenseal for Warts
  • Tea tree essential oil: Tea tree oil is the most potent anti-septic aroma oil. A skin compress of tea tree essential oil will yield beneficial results. It helps kill the virus and speeds up healing.
  • Garlic oil: Garlic oil is another potent remedy for warts. Garlic has always been considered a powerful infection fighter. Using the oil every day as a skin compress is highly useful.
  • Goldenseal: soak a swab of cotton in a tincture of goldenseal and apply over the wart. Goldenseal enhances immunity and destroys the virus that causes warts.
Stubborn and obstinate warts which may not respond to corrosive treatments are managed by freezing. The doctor will freeze the wart with liquid nitrogen. This is effective in 70 - 80 % of patients. It is not apt for those areas of the skin that have poor blood supply and is not recommended in children. Also, it is fraught with a risk of causing damage to the underlying tissues and scarring